Exhibition n dm awesome


para wanita


makan makan

Final assignments for DM sem3 gamma. there's hell.... there's good.... everything. mixed feelings n stuff. we have 2 days to install and set up stuff. 2 days of assesment and exhibition.
we used 2 classes, downstairs n upstairs. Overall the lecturers liked it. We have visitors from the dean, the lecturers, students. Well the exhibition does keep people together. On the last day, after deassemble, there's talk by the our beloved lecturers... *ngeh ngeh ngeh* Mr Kok Yoong and Mr Alex. WE LOVED YOU ALL~!!! i think i heard mr kok yoong's voice trembling. i think. and i think i say him wipe his face sumwhere with his shirt. Terharu sgt ka??? hahaha. i know kami budak baik.

Oh well at this one time in the upstairs class.... my groups installation had some issues so we just put a movie on the screen. The lecturers were beside me n naz, sitting and watching. Someone did say about ironman. so me n naz were like just playing around and ask lecturers about making plans, watching movies with everyone from the class. and waddauknow, they agree with is. so me n naz were all over the place making conformation who's going n whose not. So we end up watching ironman with almost everyone from our dm klas at alamanda. oh mr kok yoong wasnt alone. his wife was there too. huhu. Ah both of them look so cute together. One thing for sure the movie was awesome, and we have fun. we went for dinner together, take pictures and stuff. it was a blast. DM LURVE LURVE LURVE. we are freaking united~!!!!

Loving dm with all my heart. for pictures can look through this link. Shuun blogspot

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3rd ACAA

early stages

after food stage

selepas dance... weheeeee

yes. the event. not much to say.....
i mean it.
not much to say as the last one. great performances.
happy at some point.
one thing for sure... our performance roxx~!!!!
everyone liked it. n everyone was so good that night. good job guys~!!!
can't wait to do that again~~

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