result... sem 1

not to brag or anything, but i dont care, its my blog. I GOT MY DEAN'S LIST!!!! WEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. first time in my life, i have this kind of thing, of course im happy. i havent got any recognition what soever in my whole life, well like this kind of course. its a thing that i dont really expect myself. but i still dont have my goal cgpa, 3.5 and above. need to get that done first. glad for myself. THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH....

p/s: i hope people dont get jealous of what i achieved for the first time in my entire life, well i did work my ass, and be aware that everyone had their chance of sumthing this good, care for them and not ourself. oh n i got another oen for sem 2. haha i dont care i want to shout it out here... MWAHAHAHAAHAH

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Ezray said...

woaaahhh...congratz~!! ^^ wat sehabis baik utk sem 3 nie...nak gak dpt dean list..~!!

p/s: dier kira gpa ker cgpa?

Anonymous said...

buat projek je boleh la... meh cni amek 5 paper theory??ade bran??

nab said...

well. bukn saje projek... malah paper paper yg tak sangka pass. tolong belajar ngan saya baru rasa. apsal anonymous... letak nama sebenarla... ada berani??

kiyaa said...

whoa congratulations! seriously you shouldnt be worried on whether or not you should announce it to the world, cos you sure as hell earned it! =)
people who might get jealous are only silly if they don't do anything to put in more effort for themselves.

apa apa pun, it's nice to see that you're bubbly as usual, hugs and muax, nini.

Anonymous said...

just dropping by...omg..imagine if everyone who gets deans list puts it on his/her blog like boastful would the whole world be..haha!by the way,its not my problem if u want to announce it to the world by putting your achievement but the one that goes>>"i hope people dont get jealous of what i achieved" like...what theeeee???!!

nab said...

oh. haha. its actually meant for sumone. there's a reason i did say that. it is also because of that someone i post this in the first place. coz that person keep giving me like weird and bad reaction with 'you-can-get-the-list-n-i-dont' face when that person knew i get my list. n i didnt even tell them about it. someone else did. haha. take that, now i boast it.