still not finished. oh my goodness what to do now.... @_@
n wat a surprise... my gpa went down... again.... and quite a lot.....
mystery of nabilah
oh my, n my other hamster joey... he's getting fatter and fatter by the minute. lazy to run on wheels.... or run on it just to impress my brother and to get some food. oh my we are getting into the next semester... which is our last semester... n i feel sad. had to do this right. sad with pointers specially... kekeke.
any place to bound book... but cheaper... the one at my place... charges rm55 with the stamping. damn that's expensive!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
oh... today's the last day that im spending my time with my brother, without my parents. They were in Kuching, business, work....
Uwaaa I think i have to be in mmu early than supposed to coz i have to finish my work. When u r at home, u just cant use every time that u have. sumhow u had that feeling that u need to do stuff. guilty much....
alalalaa. ok want to eat....